Market Day

This product line is called “Market day”. Its called that as these products were initially conceived as products for a small mini market. Made from a mixture of High quality steel and Top-grade MDF, this product line is meant to last. The steel is being coated in a highly advanced powder coating which both protects the modules and give them their color.

As mentioned, this product line is made for smaller mini markets. The shelving modules can stand on their own in the middle of a room, or up against a wall for added support. They have a very minimalistic look which not only mean that they look simple, but that they’re simple to make – this means that these shelves are on the cheaper end of shelving systems which contain both wood and steel. The different shelf-counts also means that you can have both uniformity with a straight line of shelving modules with the same amount of shelves, but you can also alternate the amounts, giving a neat stairway effect which is sure to put your products in focus.

The impulse basket is something that you can really place anywhere, if you have some products you want to put on sale, you can put them in these baskets and place them around the store, allowing your customers to get tempted by the impulse to purchase something they might not have originally intended to get.
The Corner closet is a great storage module which fills some of the most difficult areas to decorate in any shop environment: the corners.

As mentioned, this product line was originally intended for smaller mini markets, however, we also feel like it would fit perfectly into any kiosk, greengrocer and specialty shop.

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NEWS – BARTUF Products